Fifteen architects have created bespoke installations to transform the shop windows of West End retailers Installations by Make and Squire & Partners were among 15 works unveiled last week as part of the RIBA’s Regent Street Windows Project. Now in its fifth year, the annual initiative twins architecture practices with central London retailers to create installations in windows along the West End shopping street. Squire & Partners for Brookes Brothers Squire & Partners’ installation comprises 2,000 handmade metal sheep suspended on golden threads in the form of a larger sheep. The work for the men’s clothing retailer is a reference to the “golden fleece” – the historical symbol of wool merchants. On the pavement outside is another sheep – in cast bronze – by sculptor Jonathan Sanders. Sybarite Architects for Gant Sybarite Architects used parametric modelling techniques to create a cardboard form inspired by the hull of the sailing boat used in the American clothing brand’s advertisements. Make Architects for Banana Republic Make Architects created an optical illusion – the three-dimensional lettering can be read as “slim” or “sloan” – words from the brand’s autumn and winter campaign – depending on the angle you look at the window. Jerry Tate Architects for Hackett Jerry Tate Architects’ piece is an intricate arrangement of interlaced ribbons, fixed at one end – based on a traditional children’s toy. When the top block is rotated, it sets off a tumbling effect. Each block flips over the next to reveal one of two hidden images on the other side. Al-Jawad Pike for Penhaligon Al-Jawad Pike’s window installation draws on the origins of perfume making in distillation and chemistry. Blown-glass vessels containing the raw ingredients of the perfume maker’s fragrances are held within a labyrinthine copper pipe lattice. Mobile Studio for Jack Spade Mobile Studio created a miniature city that features characters, narratives and architectural motifs that draw on Jack Spade’s New York heritage and the shop’s location in London. Edgley Design for Tibits Edgley Design worked with vegetarian restaurant Tibits, which charges customers by the weight of their food to reduce waste. In this spirit, the architect reused the restaurant’s waste products, melting empty wine bottles and re-casting them to form cooking weights. Each of these equate to the weight of an average meal and were suspended on a grid of steel cables across the window. Brisac Gonzalez for Longchamp Brisac Gonzalez’s range of rectilinear translucent frames create a series of hollows within which Longchamp has displayed its products. The installations can be seen until 21 September |
Words Debika Ray |